Telephone...? What Telephone....

.....This is an extract from my Internet Telephone bill for April 2011....

International (Appels local/national ILLIMITE)..... 
134 calls... 86:15:19hrs........price..... 0,00....!

This represents the real terms!
(on the basis of what I'm told SHE was charged for a call to me of 1 minute):

5175minutes @ $3,25 minute = $16,818.75

YIPPEE FOR SFR - The Internet
Internets = Parody motivator.Image via Wikipediaand Calls without limits.......!

Can't imagine what SHE talked about all the time.....But....she must have!

No idea where she lives, but it's always the same damned telephone number...I ought to spread myself around more.....!

Enhanced by Zemanta


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