Starting up and starting over....

...I use uniquely the browser "Chrome" simply because it's the best.
As with all Browsers, there is the possibility of arranging your "home" page, or arranging what pages open automatically when you start up the PC. This function is useful, letting YOU decide.
I have my Browser set to open up the home page as "" simply because I enjoy the occasional "Google Doodle" and I can go on World Tours starting from this essentially search page, appropriately called the Home page.
Great journeys always start from Home, and generally finish there as well - or in the Hospital!
On the other hand, I have a little problem with deciding which pages I would like to open automatically, obviously my incoming G-mail page is a must, but Facebook   or I don't think so 
Oh dear - all these confusing and difficult decisions - after all - if I put Facebook and Twitter, then I have to put Google+, even though I don't understand it yet! Now the problem is - if I'm going to put all those things to open automatically, WHERE am I going to put my sexy girlie places.....?
Aha - Google have, as usual, the solution...

OK - maybe I can get back to work now, having sorted out my troubled tormented soul........and you can ask yourselves the


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