Miraculous stuff again....
More news about this little miracle drug/medication.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8853310/Aspirin-cuts-bowel-cancer-risk-by-up-to-two-thirds.html
My wife died of bowel cancer, and nobody knew about this at the time. I take the stuff in a weaker version to avoid coronary problems, most people take it 'cos they've got a headach, period pains and other things.
It's turning out to be a real miracle worker. This is the good news, on the other hand, "Bayer" and the others are still making billions and billions every year, maybe even every day producing and selling the stuff.
It wouldn't surprise me if it were to disappear from "open sale" - there is more money to be made like that. It is, actually, already a "prescription medication" in the heart assistance format, which doesn't really make sense, unless you know this fact - my father died from a well known Aspirin side effect - stomach bleeding.
Aspirin doesn't cure - it helps, assists to control the condition, but normal strength Aspirin also causes stomach ulcers and bleeding, which is why a weaker form is available now for Cardiac patients. Explanation is that heart patients more often than not also take blood thinners, and should a stomach bleeding start, this makes it even more difficult to get it under control, so - don't go rushing out to buy a whole bundle of Aspirins......
Read this first.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/5401078/Taking-aspirin-to-ward-off-heart-attack-risks-stomach-bleeding.html
Still nice to know that there is an old fashioned thing which can help against the revolting bowel cancer and the deaths caused. Just a shame it wasn't known 20 years or more ago.
It does make me wonder what other things it could be used for.....
and is the "low dose" safely usable by everybody....?
More news about this little miracle drug/medication.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8853310/Aspirin-cuts-bowel-cancer-risk-by-up-to-two-thirds.html
My wife died of bowel cancer, and nobody knew about this at the time. I take the stuff in a weaker version to avoid coronary problems, most people take it 'cos they've got a headach, period pains and other things.
It's turning out to be a real miracle worker. This is the good news, on the other hand, "Bayer" and the others are still making billions and billions every year, maybe even every day producing and selling the stuff.
It wouldn't surprise me if it were to disappear from "open sale" - there is more money to be made like that. It is, actually, already a "prescription medication" in the heart assistance format, which doesn't really make sense, unless you know this fact - my father died from a well known Aspirin side effect - stomach bleeding.
Aspirin doesn't cure - it helps, assists to control the condition, but normal strength Aspirin also causes stomach ulcers and bleeding, which is why a weaker form is available now for Cardiac patients. Explanation is that heart patients more often than not also take blood thinners, and should a stomach bleeding start, this makes it even more difficult to get it under control, so - don't go rushing out to buy a whole bundle of Aspirins......
Read this first.....http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/5401078/Taking-aspirin-to-ward-off-heart-attack-risks-stomach-bleeding.html
Still nice to know that there is an old fashioned thing which can help against the revolting bowel cancer and the deaths caused. Just a shame it wasn't known 20 years or more ago.
It does make me wonder what other things it could be used for.....
and is the "low dose" safely usable by everybody....?