Can happen to you too.....
Us big, hard men suffer just the same as those little frail female creatures from Panic, Stress and we are almost as prone to depressiveness as the female counterpart as well.
After some 3 months of receiving all kinds of treatment and controls on my various ailments, heart, diabetic, it just seemed to me that there was something simple we (me and the specialists) had overlooked!
Light dawned when my wife Tina Concetta took it upon herself to brave my rage, and show me what she had suffered from - many years before - during a "low" period in her life.....Panic Attacks.
I was rather more than sceptical at the start, but in around 15 seconds, I realised we had found the basic root of the problem.
Yes - cardiac and other serious problems were present, but they were in control - as best as they possibly could be.
Just......the patient felt totally miserable, completely unwell and tired out - permanently!
Well, to cut a long and miserable story short, I had an appointment arranged for the following day with my General Practitioner, and I took the bull by the horns and talked to him about it!
Happy Doctor - he had found the solution... Actually it was my wife Tina Concetta who had done so, but - who cares - it was found.....wasn't it.....?
My first "trials" were immediate.....I hurried home and took one of these tiny tablets.
20 minutes later, I had my head
spinning like a whirling dervish....30 minutes later I was in bed, and 6 hours later - I woke up!
I immediately called my Doctor and, in no uncertain terms, suggested what he may like to do with this stuff he had tried to kill me with.
His suggestion was simple.....take half a tablet...!
Image via Wikipedia
20 minutes later, I had my head
I immediately called my Doctor and, in no uncertain terms, suggested what he may like to do with this stuff he had tried to kill me with.
His suggestion was simple.....take half a tablet...!
So - I did, later on that evening, and slept like a baby, no ill effects ans as a bonus, my wife slept well (well, nearly no) snores from that side......
Just think - such a tiny little thing, split in two, hardly seeable, and I seem to have found my marital and other bliss again.......!
Surely, I'm not saying everybody - male or female - is sufferring from panic or depression, but I AM saying that it is worth considering the possibility, and sod the big hard man act.........
Thanks honey-bunny.....!