Free or pay up.......your money or your life....

Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Ubuntu GNU/Linux (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I don't really care who wins the global battle in the informatique game.....I will not be seeing any millions or billions of anything, so forget it!

Ubuntu-Desktop (Photo credit: Kevin Byrom)

I, on the other hand,  WILL be one of those millions, if not billions, who contribute financially and otherwise to the success of things sundry on the Internet, and it pleases me greatly to see how many programs or "apps" are offered, free of charge - by Google, and by various others in the Linux Ubuntu system.
MS (or Windows) would rarely, if ever, offer something free....!
Open Office contains everything MS Office contains, but is free of charge!

Picasa, from Google allows a whole bundle of things similar to WIN Live Photos or quite a number of other programs similar to MS  programs, like MS "Movie maker" amongst others which are payable and always susceptible to "updates"........
Yes - you need an operating system - you say - and I agree with you  but why pay, except in absolute cases of necessity? If you can't find a program free of charge in the various well known places on the web then I would be amazed!
Don't enrich MS/WIN with their next thing - WIN 8.........In any case, it seems that we will all have to re-learn Computing when we are obliged to pass over to WIN8 - I don't think I'll be around anyway!  
Practical Computing
Practical Computing (Photo credit: jovike)

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