no pork but no good food either - Kosher can be better!
This little guy is happy about it all, but after this lunch, I'm NOT! The problem is hat a "Kosher" diner not only does not have any pork, but the one we just went to doesn't have anything I would call food - at all....! First problem, as we chose, we were told that she (the waitress) would have to check to see if they had any! Now - even sausages can be obtained made from beef, and I haven't seen the pig that lays eggs.....yet! These are great, beef sausage meat with a hard boiled egg on the inside, breadcrumbed and deep fried - they are called " Scotch eggs " and would qualify! There are hundreds, indeed thousands of Kosher recipes, but not where we were........and everything burned! I'm sure there are good things to be found, but just not here! This is what I really went for, but of course they didn't have, and hadn't had it for years - since a change of owner Lox on rye....... Ne...