Aggressive - Ambitious - Competitive....?

Watching European football last night, I was surprised not to have seen a few of these red coloured cards. I can assure you, if a player was to press his face so close to mine, obviously emitting words of no beauty, he would not stay on the playing field, and I would not care one jot nor tittle if that player was earning thousands of euros or pounds sterling, per week!
An early shower works wonders,  and he doesn't even get a cut in salary...!
Many, indeed the majority of players are people who respect both referees, opponents and the rules of the game, but some don't, in spite of being supposed 'examples' to youth how to live your life!
A referee doesn't often want to give these cards but is forced to. The better referees have the ability to 'nip in the bud' any form of explosions, get themselves a reputation as being good and the players - even the 'naughty' ones just don't try it on!
Some of them send shivers up your spine  and others show courage  facing up to all 11 members of an irate team, plus (very often) the training staff from the bank, and some pay heavily for their passion for a sport which could not live without them  (this one refereed' over a wolf pack game!)
When will ALL players figure out that without referees there could be no game...?
Well - no doubt I'll be able to watch the same antics this evening - maybe they'll all play some soccer as well....?
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