Just 2 more days.....!
OK - there isn't room for the 70 candles on many cakes and anyway I'm not a very 'cakey' person, but I am just amazed at two things, how time has gone bye and the fact that I have nearly made it to the big 70!
It's been a bumpy ride at times, but everyone's life is
and if this year of 2016 has probably been the worst, who knows - maybe 2017 will be calmer. Hope springs eternal as they say and it wouldn't be correct if things went along like a high speed Autoroute, just going to some destination - sometime....!
Yes I lost my wife to Cancer many years ago at a young age, but we had been married for over 20 years and had travelled all over the world together.....
Yes I had my problems of heart ailments but I'm still alive - still, with the help of 'stent' and 'bypass' surgery with finally a built in 'defibrillator' - my own personal electric shock machine!
I recall, as a young man, thinking and talking to others about my feelings that around 40 years would be my maximum - well, I've almost doubled that!
Of course, apart from German and French doctors of the first category I've also had enormous help from my current partner, Tina Marzocca, who still plays the rôle of nurse for me.
Talking to a British friend who will turn 90 in January next year and who is still in fine fettle, I realised that maybe I've got a couple of miles to carry on down the bumpy road!
Of course food and drink habits had to change and medicaments play a large part in my life now. Sometimes I feel that is all I do - eat medicaments all day long!
But........I'm still around....... and looking forward to a
Keep up to date on my activities with Google Search, 'iwmpop' or 'Ian Watson Mitchell............even my obituary I suppose, some day or other!