It's all new, but is it better?
January 2017. Well - 2017 has got off with a few bangs....Call them 'Trumps' or 'Brexits' or whatever, but they seem to be rocking the foundations of the Establishment! Always a sort of sinister thing which nobody really understood, but everybody knew was there, somewhere, doing something - normally not a bearer of good news for the normal Citizen. This year has seen the change of this 'thing' - it has become more open, more evident.......OR - has it? My humble person has remarked certain things about this new Establishment.....It has exposed somethings which always were the case, the double facedness of Politicians, they never say what they think, more - they give statements or answers which are open to debate, mis-interpretation or are simply straightforward untruths. I have not yet heard one single statement in this year, to date, from any politician, apart from Frau Merkel of Germany, which has not been of the nature 'ambiguous'........ ...