Getting old sucks (1) - A few changes are necessary!

Ian W Mitchell alias 'iwmpop' alias ' Mr le Marquis du Galipot' is findable on any Google search as well, and is present on Twitter (like all the greats of this world) as 'MrleMarquis' or on Facebook as 'Ian Mitchell' - He is also on G+ as Ian Watson Mitchell............
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January 2017                           Vauvert, France.

Getting!Image result for Getting old sucks

A sort of short history about health and getting old!
I suppose I started getting old when I was born, 70+ years ago! 
It's not a recommended procedure, and if you can, avoid it - because it sucks!
In the space of just a few paltry years, you pass from an active, forward looking character, to something resembling a sick, grumpy, old man.
Image result for Getting old sucksWe're all different, so we all age differently, at different speeds, and in different ways. Some people look 70 when they are actually only 40, some look 40 when they're actually 70.
Health issues play an obviously large role, and this all mounts up to become a stressful engagement which in turn makes you age badly and more quickly!Image result for Getting old sucks
Then again, who leads the 'perfect life'? 
We all make mistakes, and often it is a question of accepting this fact and trying to do something about it that allows us to make the changes necessary.Image result for Getting old sucks
Often this is not possible, but it still helps to be aware of the fact that the source of your problems, if you have any, is to be found somewhere!
I'm obviously not talking about extreme illnesses which sometimes come from nowhere and impose their own rules. These illnesses are now, to a large extent, treatable by Professionals, but not always, and often the very treatment causes further complications, which have to be, in turn, discovered and treated.
My own history was quite normal for quite some time, and really I followed the typical pattern of the time, following basically the same rules and regulations as any one else, at my age, at the time.
Sport, Education, Professional life followed - like everybody else's - a pattern of what was available for my qualifications and was within my means.

Yes, I was fortunate to find a woman to accompany me in the journey through life who was capable of doing so. Intelligent and thoroughly adorable, We spent 25/26 years together as Husband and Wife - for the most part, happily. Some people who know our history can't quite beleive that this was the case, because we did spend an enormous amount of our time travelling through, and working in, different countries of the World, with different languages, different habits, different qualities, different histories.
This very fact was the main reason for our remaining childless. 
Imagine having children and trying to do the tour of the World which we did!
Quite impossible!
Surely, there were difficult moments, but with our combined force, we were able to combat and vanquish these problems.
Image result for Problems problemsWe went through the normal studies, my wife becoming a British State Registered Nurse, and more importantly a Qualified Guy's Hospital Registered Nurse - A London hospital, whose qualified staff were much sought after - worldwide. She worked in Britain, Germany and France and we had the advantage that in most places, the Authorities provided, at wish, some accomodation along with the job - this made life much more simple.
Image result for Guy's Nurses Sisters uniform
Guy's Hospital Sister's Uniform
I personally took up the Military as my vocation, and this gave me the chance to travel all over the place, as well as giving me a small pension after my service, enabling me to take time looking for future employment.
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My Regiment-The Royal Dragoons 1st Dragoons
I served in UK and N.Ireland, and France, but mainly in W. Germany, where the BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) had been stationed since the end of the 2nd World War.
At the end of my Army contract, after a shortish period in the 'Home Civil Service' as an Executive Officer, in London, at St. James' Square W.1, at the Central Press Office of the Employment Agency, then a period of time as Deputy Editor of the Governmental Publication 'The London Gazette' at the St. Stephen's Parliamentary Press in London, I found the possibility of returning to Western Germany, with my wife.
This was in the days when the UK was not a member of the European Union, and the paperwork was very long and very scrupulous. 
Medicals had to be done at the German Embassy in London - proof of employment in Germany, proof of character and a whole bunch of other things!
Image result for German working visa
new visas......
The 'Working Visa' took up a whole page of the UK Passport, and I'm talking about the old fashioned UK Passports, not the 'mini' things we all have now!
Image result for German working visa
Old visa - 1 page of a Passport!
It didn't matter - in between time we had become owners/purchasers of our own 2 bedroom appartment in Thornton Heath, London, and would (in theory) pay for the next 30 years for a lease of 99 years!
A nice place, it had cost us a lot to furnish, with all 'mod cons' but we did have just about everything modern. Colour TV (just emerged in Britain) - Deep Freezers - Washing machines (instead of having to use launderettes)- furniture of course - and the big special.......A 'split level cooker' - almost unheard of!Image result for Split level cookers
All this had to be given up or transported, expensively, to Germany, the Appartment had to be put on the market and sold (if possible at a profit!) - or a person found who wanted to rent it.
We finally did the second, but it didn't work There were racist issues amongst the other neighbours who didn't want a Ceylonese couple (even if Civil Servants in London) as neighbours!
Such was the atmosphere at the time, and it doesn't seem to me to have changed a great deal since!
Currently I live with my dearly beloved Tina Concetta Marzocca (an Amero-Italian from the Bronx, New York) in a place called Vauvert in Southern France. Vauvert will, without doubt be my last station in this life, and I accept that fact now.
In another post, I'll get down to many years ago, when the 'Health' issues started to appear.......
Bye for now - just put a link on your PC and/or contact me via 'comments' or at:


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