Yet another coincidence.

I was just looking through my photos gallery ( preparing for my next "London Ways" episode) when I stumbled on the previous photo. This recalled PHOTOS!!
As a kid, I normally had to work in the school holidays, and one of my jobs (which went on for a very short period into the new school year) was in an office on the bottom right of this photo (next to the souvenir kiosk shown).
It was a solicitor's office, called "Lee,Bolton,Lee" - next time any of you go up to town from the sticks, have a look and see if it's still there, pop in and ask them if they recall a very young boy who used to get himself covered in the acid used for making photocopies at the time (Rank Xerox etc only came out later). It was around l959/60. I recall it well, because the receptionist was not a girlie with a mini, but a ferocious guy with a moustache and a uniform, called Sergeant!
If the boss is there, tell him I haven't forgotten that he owes me for a couple of jackets.


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