In the same vein - different country!

Chez mr.le Marquis du Galipot.

As an impoverished aristocrat, I can hear you saying, this guy should be happy to get any treatment at all in a NATIONAL health systems country.
Well, in the old days, of course, we simply told the Quacks to get their little legs a-running, mr. le Marquis is not well, and your head is therefore at risk! It worked! Same as it now works for the private system patient!!
However, what I wanted to round off the subject with was a little report read , by me, in a German publication, recently.
As you will have figured out by now, the French system is the one I have to actually suffer under, but my payments for this rough and shoddy treatment, are made from the German side, on the German system, as a German pensioner!! Germany advances my monthly obligatory payments to the French NHS, and I am treated as a French NHS member. Europe obliges!
Now, as you have heard me say elsewhere, the Germans are the source of all my current financial problems. They increased by 50% (yes - 50%) my obligatory monthly payments, without any increase in the standard or quality of treatment, or pension, given. They, incidentally, did this, with no thought as to the various contracts pensioners had entered into already, on the basis of their pensions, which according to the German constitution are "un-antastbar"(untouchable)! The pensions - yes, but not all the things around about, like the amount paid for Health Insurances(obligatory), or amount of Tax paid on pensions (obligatory), or even simply lowering the annual increase for "inflation" (which in any case was only about one quarter, of one half, % , point - if you know what I mean!)
The fact that most pensioners had entered into long term credit/health/assurance/insurance agreements and contracts, didn't bother them one toss - hence the prophesied increase of around 85% (yes - 85%) of pensioners being declared bankrupt!!
All these increases were made to help the enormously in debt Health System.
At the beginning, the Health System was apparantly some 3.3 milliarde euros in the red.
The statistics have now shown that after some 3 months of higher charges, this debt has been eradicated totally, and the so called "NON-PROFIT" making "KRANKENKASSEN" (German for Health insurance institutions)and the sum of;

600,000,000:00 euros

(6 million-but it looks much more written in that way!) was being "over-produced" per month!
I particularly like the description "over-produced" - I call it "over-charged".
The question being asked, of course, is now what to do with this "unwanted" profit! It is not, apparantly enough to merit a decrease in the monthly charges, but since these companies are NOT allowed to make profits, they have a problem!
I'll solve it for them - put it onto my bank account one month, then onto someone else's the next month etc!!

Well, folks, these have been 2 rather long blogs, and I'm tired and hungry now, so I'm going off to eat my Cassoulet (a stew with pork and beans, garlic, tomatoes etc) so I can fart at the lot of them at regular intervals!
(If you don't like common words, remember Chaucer - Canterbury Tales and others!)


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