Principal actors and aliases.
Chez mr.le Marquis du Galipot.
As you have probably figured out by now, there are certain principal actors on this blogsite, and before going further, it might be a good idea to determine 1) who and why (without actually demasking completely) someone has an "alias". 2) What can they do if their "alias" doesn't please them (although I try to be as fair and polite as possible), and 3) what they can do if they do not wish allusions to be made to them in any form!
To start with the latter: 3)"Allusions" are often another word for "illusions". In some peoples eyes, an allusion is clear, whilst for others the same thing is an illusion.It is therefore up to the concerned ( and presumably uptight and irate actor) to prove "without doubt" that the alias does not protect him/her from being recognized, and that such recognition is malevelant and damaging! Also up to the author of the blogspot, or comment-makers , to preserve the anonymity of the actors, although none of the content is malicious or malintended. For my part, I shall do my best to try and figure out who the hell could be the "comment-passer" under "anonymous". My god, that sounds very High Judge! There is, of course, no obligation to save identity on a Blogspot, but in certain cases it may be preferrable. Even if photos are posted (eventually WB!)the actual or possible presence of a principal actor on a photo would not give access to his/her identity, so long as the title does not declare who is who. You see - A blogspot is not exactly "WHO'S WHO" but will give you all a sort of infamous notoriety - maybe!
Going backwards: 2) Should an alias not be liked (although recognized by it's owner)then there is something wrong! I do try to be as fair and polite (whilst remaining correct, a little humourful, and giving an alias which leaves little doubt to their owner that he/she is implied) but I suppose there could be occasions where the alias is not liked, (i.e. My mate Chippie may suddenly decide he would prefer to be "tinkerbelle") and of course, mr. le Marquis will change ( if within his power) any alias, upon demand by the person who believes to have recognized his/her person. The problem is that quite often, the wrong person takes upon him/herself the wrong alias, and to change it, he/she would have to send a comment to the blogspot, revealing his/her identity and asking for a change of alias. Otherwise, how could he/she get in touch with Mr. le Marquis, which after all, is also an alias!?
And finally: 1) The principal actors have the following details:(where known)
Country: UK: Chippie = ????????? Tinkerbelle (his wife) = ????
: NL: Wackybacky or WB= ????????? WS or mrswackybacky (his wife) = ????
: UK: Britbull = ????????? trojanhorse (his daughter) = ???????
: Eur:Mr. le Marquis = ????????? granite de l'oasis = ???????
: USA:Yankeegirl = ?????????
: ???:Anonymous = ?????????
Further aliases will probably be given in the future, but I've got to keep them simple due to the mad cow disease pulsating between my ears!
Got you all nice and confused now? Good! Here is a little photo to wake you from your aliasses!
(Spanish: grassyasses). Lunch break will follow, so you have all got time to take part in the little competition proposed: He/She who gets the identity correct, and lets me know in a comment to this letter, will win the following:
The eternal hatred of all concerned.
The warrants of charges for "character damage" from those who wish to present them, and
He/She will have their alias published (with photo) in a name & shame action!!
Next thing after the photo? Don't know, but we're not far away from my explosion about Politics, politicians, europe and individual nations, and the WHOLE WIDE WORLD IN GENERAL, after which I shall allow them to put the straight jacket on, without a murmur!
As you have probably figured out by now, there are certain principal actors on this blogsite, and before going further, it might be a good idea to determine 1) who and why (without actually demasking completely) someone has an "alias". 2) What can they do if their "alias" doesn't please them (although I try to be as fair and polite as possible), and 3) what they can do if they do not wish allusions to be made to them in any form!
To start with the latter: 3)"Allusions" are often another word for "illusions". In some peoples eyes, an allusion is clear, whilst for others the same thing is an illusion.It is therefore up to the concerned ( and presumably uptight and irate actor) to prove "without doubt" that the alias does not protect him/her from being recognized, and that such recognition is malevelant and damaging! Also up to the author of the blogspot, or comment-makers , to preserve the anonymity of the actors, although none of the content is malicious or malintended. For my part, I shall do my best to try and figure out who the hell could be the "comment-passer" under "anonymous". My god, that sounds very High Judge! There is, of course, no obligation to save identity on a Blogspot, but in certain cases it may be preferrable. Even if photos are posted (eventually WB!)the actual or possible presence of a principal actor on a photo would not give access to his/her identity, so long as the title does not declare who is who. You see - A blogspot is not exactly "WHO'S WHO" but will give you all a sort of infamous notoriety - maybe!
Going backwards: 2) Should an alias not be liked (although recognized by it's owner)then there is something wrong! I do try to be as fair and polite (whilst remaining correct, a little humourful, and giving an alias which leaves little doubt to their owner that he/she is implied) but I suppose there could be occasions where the alias is not liked, (i.e. My mate Chippie may suddenly decide he would prefer to be "tinkerbelle") and of course, mr. le Marquis will change ( if within his power) any alias, upon demand by the person who believes to have recognized his/her person. The problem is that quite often, the wrong person takes upon him/herself the wrong alias, and to change it, he/she would have to send a comment to the blogspot, revealing his/her identity and asking for a change of alias. Otherwise, how could he/she get in touch with Mr. le Marquis, which after all, is also an alias!?
And finally: 1) The principal actors have the following details:(where known)
Country: UK: Chippie = ????????? Tinkerbelle (his wife) = ????
: NL: Wackybacky or WB= ????????? WS or mrswackybacky (his wife) = ????
: UK: Britbull = ????????? trojanhorse (his daughter) = ???????
: Eur:Mr. le Marquis = ????????? granite de l'oasis = ???????
: USA:Yankeegirl = ?????????
: ???:Anonymous = ?????????
Further aliases will probably be given in the future, but I've got to keep them simple due to the mad cow disease pulsating between my ears!
Got you all nice and confused now? Good! Here is a little photo to wake you from your aliasses!
(Spanish: grassyasses). Lunch break will follow, so you have all got time to take part in the little competition proposed: He/She who gets the identity correct, and lets me know in a comment to this letter, will win the following:
The eternal hatred of all concerned.
The warrants of charges for "character damage" from those who wish to present them, and
He/She will have their alias published (with photo) in a name & shame action!!
Next thing after the photo? Don't know, but we're not far away from my explosion about Politics, politicians, europe and individual nations, and the WHOLE WIDE WORLD IN GENERAL, after which I shall allow them to put the straight jacket on, without a murmur!