Tinkerbelles' lament and Chippie is A.Nony. mouse! The proof is there!

Chez mr.le Marquis du Galipot.

Having recently received a virulant letter (by the old-fashioned way) from Tinkerbelle (who I thought was incapable of such things) I asked her if she would be happy for me to publish her most innermost thoughts to the world in general!
To enable me to do this, I asked her to get her husband chippie to let me know, which he did, in emphatic form. You can read it in the comment made to the letter about Tinkerbelle!!!!
He has also "outed" himself as ONE of the "anonymous" comment makers. Only my mate Chippie is so honest to actually SIGN an anonymous letter! No, he has not a drop of Irish blood in him, he's just a lovely chap, as Tinkerbelle keeps telling us. Innocent, not a iota of rancour in him etc., etc., Just loves roast poultry, can't get enough of chicken pies/curries/etc. He was even telling me the other day that he was working on a menu for a new arrival on the market, some bird or other called a "wirbling-warbling wimper" never heard of it myself, but apparantly one sees many of them around the local (here) golf-courses.
Anyway, I now have Chippies (and more importantly Tinkerbelles) permission to "print and be damned" (dates them a little, such quotes, don't you think?).
I HAD planned to keep it discreet, but I find that the contents are so important, the whole world should hear about it, and in any case the secret of the origin is busted, so out on the front page it will go: Tomorrow 17th January 2005.
Hope I get it right, 'cos I don't fancy an irate Tinkerbelle descending on me (on the other hand, I must be prepared to share the woes and pains of my mate Chippie).
So - look out for tomorrow!!!!!


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