
Showing posts from April, 2008

Information only

After all the hectics of Internet, Telephone, TV (all of which didn't work, thanks to F-Telecom, (iwmpop) mr le marquis finally was obliged to take a handy/cellular/mobile or whatever you want to call it, as well as his normal landline! Modern - need a handy to repair the landline! Needless to say, I didn't take the handy from F-Telecom! The number is: (in France) 06-85-39-75-99 From outside France, the International code is 0033 , followed by 60850390750 Obviously I can receive SMS or MMS on this phone - so send me your photos! Must be off now - PAUSE TIME! (see below!)

Timeout ***** Pause!

Vous êtes sûrement content de savoir que mr le marquis (iwmpop) va faire un pause! 5 Mai 2008 au fin du mois de Mai! Il va aller en haute montagne, entre autre! Voici l'un ou l'autre photo - ils sont animée donc s'ils bougent pas - cliquez dessous! I'm sure you'll be happy to know that mr le marquis (iwmpop) is going to have a break! He's going to the high mountains (Upper Savoy) and elsewhere! The photos here are animated, if they don't move - try clicking on them!   -- Links to other iwmpop pages:

WW2 short history - Sent Using Google Toolbar

If PC's and "virtual" games had existed at the time, is this how it would have happened? Might have saved a lot of lives, time & trouble! (This takes around 4 minutes to start, play (by the players) and end the War!) There are quite a lot of "xxx's" and "****'s" in the text! WW2 short history undefined

ama.gif (GIF Image, 540x360 pixels) - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Just so all you honourable people can feel very pleased with yourselves! ama.gif (GIF Image, 540x360 pixels)

L'Internet with humour (2) - Google Docs

L'Internet with humour (2) - Google Docs This link goes to the original Power Point Presentation created by (iwmpop) mr le Marquis. This version contains the original slides, mainly animated, of an article about the Internet seen from a humerous angle. The same PPP (but smaller and without the animations) can be seen on: (iwmpop) mr le marquis is going to take a little break to charge the batteries from around the 5th May to the end of May! A visit to the surroundings of Grenoble, and to the Maurienne Valley (Upper Savoy) should hopefully enable him to forget the problems of life, and in particular France-Telecom! Should enable him to take some photos (lots of 'em ) to bore you with, later in the year!

20 phrases à connaître en Anglais - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Bien! Il n'a que 20? Voici le 21ieme: When will the rain stop?  (wouain will ze rayen stop?) A VOUS! ................................................      UP TO YOU NOW! 20 phrases à connaître en Anglais   - and the reverse, 20 phrases in French!   April 2008 20 phrases à connaître en Anglais Vous partez en Angleterre ou aux Etats-Unis mais ignorez tout de la langue de Shakespeare ? Un petit effort linguistique améliore souvent la qualité du séjour. Voici quelques phrases indispensables pour partir du bon pied.   Envoyer Imprimer     A l'étranger, ne restez pas le nez plongé dans votre guide ! Photo © Getty   Les indispensables Hello (hèlo'ou) Bonjour Hi ! (haï) Salut ! Good-bye (goud baï) Au revoir Good...

Fun - fun and more fun!

I'm having so much fun (at least that's what THEY think) with my NEW Internet Company, a thing called, dependant on the very people I wished to avoid, "France-Telecom", that I've got to let off steam somewhere! So here are a couple of things I came across. After all, if they think I'm mad, because I don't like incompetence nor insults, nor being demanded to have a cell (handy) mobile phone so they can give ME instructions on how to repair THEIR system - well, here is the proof that after 3 months of battle with them, they are not far off the truth! Where is my hunting rifle......... shame, I can't find it! So - here is the proof - try it! And then this one: Is this a photo of the Olympic Flame, or the photo of a new dangerous beer in cans?

Nobody likes me!

I recall that my wife used to have a little quote, under certain conditions: "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me - think I'll go in the corner and eat worms! Well, that's the way soldiers have felt over a long, long time - a bit like the police as well. Now, it's revenge time! It seems that this is the period of Governmental "savings" policies, and all over the World, in France, Germany,UK, USA, Canada amongst others, Military Barracks or Casernes are in line to be closed down. And...... people don't like it! Suddenly, the Soldiers are our friends! Actually, the locals have suddenly realised that if their local Barracks are closed down, the whole town or village will probably go bankrupt! I recall, years and years ago having to try and translate from a British Senior Officer to a Mayor or Burgermeister of a German town, just WHAT the 3 British Casernes in his town actually represented. Jobs for the locals, Commerce in the shops, Banks, Assurances and el...

Guyot Traiteur - Restaurant dans le Gard

Guyot Traiteur - Restaurant dans le Gard Go on - come to Vauvert, the residence town of mr le Marquis! Whilst you're there, invite him to this Restaurant - I'm sure the owner will do us "proud"! Local wines, local food - nice cadre, cool inside or outside in the courtyard. But.....have a look in yourself - click on the link!

Lol...Crazy! Send to Friend

Hello Mr le Marquis, Your friend, iwmpop thinks you will enjoy the following link:

Holidays - a while ago....

Ed Note: Since it's holiday time, I thought a couple of older articles on the subject would be interesting. Although many, many things have changed since we were there, and even more things have changed since the first publication of this article, I can still recall the events! *********** This isn't us, but similar to our rented car in Croatia of the epoch!  Reminiscences on older holidays and of better times....... National park in Croatia Croatia! OK, I'm talking quite a while back, the Berlin Wall was still there, a man called "Tito" was still (just) alive and in charge! I've forgotten the year now, but to give you a hint, we entered Belgrade, in our modern German Tourist bus, just a week or so before he died, and he was actually in Hospital there, at that moment. I've already written an article about the scene in Yugoslavia at the time, somewhere on this blog, but now - I'm sitting in the South of France, unusually the drizzle is...


NEW programme ("Sketch it") Question is - do people recognize themselves? Let me know if you do!

No more support!

Well! Nothing as exciting as this today. I knew when I saw West Bromwich Albion versus Portsmouth at Wembley Stadium that I was in for a real treat! Having chosen West Bromwich Albion to support, I also knew they would lose! I suppose they played at Wembley so they could say they had done so! They shouldn't have bothered. Watching those obviously indigenous "Portsmouther's" running around, I recalled that I had been told in no uncertain tones, some time ago, that Portsmouth didn't like Arsenal! Yet there they were, using Arsenal's tactics - you know, minimal everything, running the ball into the corner flag area and keeping it there. Never mind, another zero for football - no doubt the celebrations are on in Portsmouth's International quarter! I never found it, the nearest to International I got in that town, was the Port. I'm sorry, West Brom, I won't support you again, although I'm a bit ashamed to say that actually - I fell asleep in the sec...

Camping in Languedoc Roussillon

Here's a link, in English, for those of you who are still camping around, or for those of you who are GOING TO TAKE IT UP AGAIN! There is a "search" function, so you can choose your site by price, by location (so long as it's far enough away from mr. le Marquis no doubt!) This is the up to date Guide. Bonnes Vacances. Camping in Languedoc Roussillon