Health, but not at all.
Health - Something I had relatively a solid version of, seems to have deserted me for some time. In the last few years, I have passed through cardiac problems, to the current situation of Medicaments daily up to 13 per day, with stents, bypasses and now (for some years) a 'built in defibrillator'. These problems, and the medicaments, took their toll, and led to complications.Stomach ulcers were caused by one, other things were caused by others....all these medicaments, did their job, but led to other health problems. They are all necessary for the function of living, so the option of not taking them was not available. On top of these problems,I recently (some 4/5 years ago) took up close relations with an American/Italian lady, and with time, came love.Not of a sexual variety, we are both retired and rather elderly for such frivolities (not that it is limited to young people, but......). We set up home together, and I love this lady as much, and as well, as I am able to....