
Showing posts from October, 2006


As you can see from the previous posts, I ain't too pleased with some of the new things, so I thought - OK can't beat 'em - join 'em! I've gone all "Beta"! New browser "Mozilla" (kept the old one just in case) and very shortly I'll be changing the look of the Marquis du Galipot blog page! Tradition means a lot (particularly on aristocratic pages) but a little brush-up (or down) to knock the cobwebs off won't do any harm, so don't be surprised when you enter one of these days!

Modern Times

It's all getting complicated! Seems that they've modernised things, and as usual they no longer work! Used to be you put your talking smiley on with a click, now it seems you have to put a URL with it! They put little red dotted lines under words they consider badly spelled - or not spellt in the US English fashion! That's new as well - cheeky s--ds, correcting MY English. Example? SPELT has little red dots under it, but SPELLED doesn't. How about tomatoe? Nope - no red dots - wait a tick, its just suddenly got measles! - tomato seems to be ok! Then again, OK isn't OK (at least not when it's written - I avoid the word spelt - ok) What happens if I spill the spelt? Do I have to spilled the spelt, or spelt the spilled? Either way, I don't care, go away, leave me alone to make no mistakes in my own way! HERE ARE MY SMILIES - hope they work this time! Well, I now know that they won't work, because you would all have to update your version of Smiley! Great ...
Hello all, Right then here we go! I have no idea whether it will work, but let's try inserting a voice message! A couple of you will have heard it already, but bear with me - we're only at the trial stage. It could be amusing, what with Smilies and my my comforting voice at the same time (well-almost!) These 3 will (or should) give you some sound anyway (just to make sure that your speakers are turned on!) If it doesn't work then you'll have to give me a traditional phone call! DIDN'T WORK! -Iwmpop 10/24/06, 5:15pm Try cut and pasting!! Well-I've tried it all, but sound files are not accepted! Just have to carry on sending them individually! Never mind - someday or other it will be possible! Seems to me I've read about how to do it in Blogger's FAQ's - I'll have a look! Anyway - the three smileys should give you the gist!
Double Dutch, Dutch Courage and all other Dutch treats! Now, I have some Dutch friends (at least I count them as friends!) and when I heard the expression "Dutch courage" on a radio programme the other day,I got to wondering why the Dutch are so often referred to in this fashion. I have never found them particularly overindulgent in the consommation of alcohol! Certainly, they have a large quantity of specialities in the alcohol cupboard, from almost pure alcohols, through egg liqueurs, down to the nowadays impossible to get by without "Heineken" beer! (I expect a free pack for the free publicity - although I personally have always preferred the smaller brewery "Amstel" products!) Admittedly, their language is almost impossible to speak or understand, even for myself who can at least speak various German dialects, but the Dutch (being very inventive and clever) realised that they would have to be fluent in English to advance in world trade! Wind...
There is always the question, in my mind, of "common sense". This is something not very common anymore, as the latest batch of upsets, arguments and "news" stories shows quite clearly. Somewhere between Turbans, veils, bangles and beads, crucifixes etc., exists (I presume) a person, who can make life easy or simpler or much more confusing and difficult, depending on the mood of a moment. Of course these religious questions have no basis on "common sense", religion itself not being based on good common sense, but rather a question (as I understand it) of personal belief. Everyone should be, and generally is, allowed their own personal belief, and these are grouped in what we called generally, World Religions, or "organized" religions. This is fine, so long as the starting point is not forgotten - i.e. that all these things are based on individual and individuals. Unfortunately, it would appear that as soon as one declares oneself as a "p...
Many of you have probably noticed that my literary talents are languishing, on this page, for the moment! The reason is quite simple, I am trying to set up another little thing on the Internet, and this is taking up a lot of my time. Why don't you all have a look in, and give me a little feed-back, with any ideas you may have. The entry following this one is a start, but if you follow the link: you'll find the rest (in English as well), together with the links to other sites run by Mr le Marquis du Galipot enterprises! Once I've got the thing arranged to my satisfaction, I will be able to return to entertaining you in the long, dark, cold winter months, direct from my chateau!
Nach lange, lange Wintermonaten, dürfen Sie wieder reisen - ab in die Sonnige Süden, und Sie machen neue Freunden unter die Franzosen? Was sollten Sie machen, was sollten Sie NICHT machen? Die Franzosen, an Sich, sind ein freundliches völkchen, komische weise haben Sie immer wieder die gleiche vorurteile den Deutschen gegenüber, die fast alle Deutschen den Franzosen haben! Es wird Arroganz vorgeworfen, es wird wenig Sprachkenntnisse vorgeworfen usw. Ganz Sicher - es gibts Deutschen die Arrogant sind, aber Franzosen auch! Sehr wenige Franzosen sprechen Deutsch (ausser die im Elsass) aber auch sehr wenige Deutsche die Franzoesisch beherrschen! Das alles macht nichts! Deutschen die VERSUCHEN Franzoesisch zu sprechen, werden sehr schnell Freunde finden, vielleicht gerade weil Sie die Sprache nicht beherrschen, und sehr wenige Franzosen werden lachen oder kritisieren die versuche Deutschentouristen, sondern die werden meistens entdeckt das die versuche die sprache von Moliere gemacht wo...