
Showing posts from January, 2008


Mao is dead, a longish time ago, the XXX,000,000,000 Chinese have put his little red book into the family heirlooms. Tourists now wander around the forbidden city, spending their Euros and Dollars, looking at past glories. But.....Welcome to the real world! 18 million immigrant (from poorer regions of China) workers are queuing up to join a queue to get onto a train, which isn't there, to go off and pass their Chinese New Year with family they haven't seen, in some cases, for years! Great, but due to catastrophic weather, the worst for 50 years, nothing is working! Mao was alive 50 years ago, the weather wasn't always kind when he was alive, but the people didn't start revolting, as now! How come? Well, this is the welcome to the real world, more money in the pocket, and it must be spent. In China, you can't spend it on your kids, you're only allowed ONE per couple, you can't spend it on travelling, because it isn't there! You can't even spend it on ...

Good news! Bonnes nouvelles!

Don't forget - articles. photos, radio, video, A TOUCH OF EVERYTHING! from (iwmpop) Mr le Marquis du Galipot Always ready to assist!                                                                      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> N'oubliez pas! Des articles, des photos, la radio, des vidéos, bref - UN PEU DE TOUS! de (iwmpop) Mr le marquis du Galipot. Toujours a votre écoute. -- Links to other iwmpop pages:

My Notebook - Google Bloc-notes - Sent Using Google Toolbar

My Notebook - Google Bloc-notes    Cliquez le lien en haut! Click above link! FOR YOUR INFORMATION - POUR VOTRE INFORMATION. Article (en Anglais) concernant IE7 et l'imposition de cette navigateur Microsoft chez vous! (voir article suivante) Article (in English) concerning the forces installation of IE7 browser on your PC (see the article following this one)  


I knew things weren't very friendly between Microsoft and Google, but I didn't know (until yesterday) that the users had to suffer! It seems that if youare a renegade/traitor/spy or whatever (in other words, a simple, normal user) who goes off to another Internet Browser (like myself - I use only Mozilla Firefox, simply because it's the best!) then you will be "punished" by Microsoft! This very site will not be displayed in the same manner if you use Internet Explorer as it is using Firefox! I understand that business is business, but frankly, I would be lost without all the Google programmes I use, all FREE, all great, and Microsoft (with the greater majority of programmes requiring purchase) can go and get st****d! EVERYTHING I want to do I can do with FREE Google programmes, and very often very much better than the Microsoft equivalent. The day, if it ever comes, that Google decide to make things payable will be the day I even remotely will think of changing! T...

Pertes massives à la société générale

Pertes massives à la société générale - Massive losses at "The Société Générale" If your French is up to it, here is the original article concerning the fraud at "Société Générale" - the subject of the following light hearted article-(justclick on the link) If your French ain't up to it, get busy, but whilst you're waiting, you can read my light-hearted comment on the affair - just in the next spot!

Business figures!

At the moment, with all the poor little rich people getting hammered, comes the news that someone, somewhere (they say in a French Bank) has done a fraud to the amount of 7.2 milliarde euros! This set me to thinking "find out finally just how many zero's there are in a milliarde". Not as easy as you may think - it seems that the business world, International as it is supposed to be, has it's problems with the question. Seems that occasionally there are problems from one country to another when using "milliarde"- "billion" - and such words. Some countries insist that a milliarde be called something different, and have 12 zero's behind the qualifying number (after all, 0,000,000,000,000,000:00 still equals 0! The problems, or happiness, start when you put a POSITIVE number at the beginning!) Seems that, in general, a milliarde (in civilised countries) takes 9 zeros, so our little laddy in France has magically "made disappear" the sum of...

iwmPOP - Pour vous-fideles au mr le marquis! - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Un jeux ou deux! Essayer! Here's a game or two - try it! iwmPOP - Pour vous- les fidèles du mr le marquis! Full Screen - More Gadgets

iwmPOP - All things bright & beautiful! - Sent Using Google Toolbar

iwmPOP - All things bright & beautiful! ANOTHER TRIAL FROM GOOGLE WEB PAGE CREATOR!! All things bright & beautiful! Some music-French style! Try it out to brighten up your day!(For the music, just click on the link above "another trial from Google Web Page creator" - the original page will open and show you-at the top of the text-the radio player! Choose what you want to hear, click on it, and wait!) And some photos as well - what a good day you are going to have! Remember-to see the image full size - just click on the image and wait! Don't forget:

iwmPOP - Another new thing from Google! - Sent Using Google Toolbar

iwmPOP - Another new thing from Google!  Another new thing from Google!  (used by Mr le Marquis enterprises - iwmpop)    From Google Labs - Directe du Google Laboratoire: " Google Page Creator" :   (Google search: Google page creator + open an Account) (Recherche Google: Google page creator + ouvre un compte) It doesn't happen often, but here is something really new, and of course (iwmpop) is onto it immediately! Creating your own Web Pages via Google - free and (they say) easily! Well - we'll see exactly what you can do with this system/programme! Keep on checking in (from time to time) to see any advancements! This will be in English and French. (You'll find some trials already published below on this site)...

iwmPOP - Des sites par (iwmpop) mr le Marquis - Sent Using Google Toolbar

iwmPOP - Des sites par (iwmpop) mr le Marquis Des sites par (iwmpop) mr le Marquis http://www,   Main page with links to all other pages presented by (iwmpop) Mr le Marquis Page principale avec des liens vers tous les autres sites de (iwmpop) Mr le Marquis   

new things-for you!

A storm brewed over the page "Chez mr le marquis", and when it had passed, I went out to see what damage had been caused. I found things like "slideshows" (when it works), new links, a poll booth, easier ways to get to where you want to go on the mr le marquis enterprise pages. Now, at the risk of annoying and boring my girlfriend, who is never happy when I apply myself at the PC, and if my PC allows me (that means if I find the time) And if the page can be found, and if I ignore the following page instructions, then I will try to apply myself and find out from Google WHY the slideshow only works every 2nd or 3rd time! Even so - it's still a bit better than before - let me know what you think! (iwmpop)
Places we/I lived and/or worked in. A series of articles dealing with places we worked and/or lived in, scanning most of Europe, North-South and East-West. This series will not include childhood places, which have been, or will be dealt with, elsewhere. All anecdotes use names which represent the real ones involved, so far as I recall them. Any similarities to people I know today, is really and truly accidental, unless otherwise stated. Nr 1. - London, (circa 1960-1965) – A second article will occupy itself with our stay in London as Civil Servants later in life! (Wandsworth, London SW 11) London, at this time and epoch, was the so called "epi-centre" of Fashion, fun, free sex, Beatniks, Beatles and Bums! I was enjoying visiting the Battersea Grammar School for Boys, at Streatham, and having my backside thrashed almost daily! The age of corporal punishment, and the pleasure had by those who administered it upon the buttocks of small, young boys, wa...
zaterdag 17 november 2007!!!! - (Hope you understand!) Happy Christmas-Bonne Fête-Frohe Weihnachten ! Mr I W Mitchell - (iwmpop) - Mr le Marquis du Galipot (for photos-videos-articles and more !) Wet ? On the same theme as those infamous World Scientists, they tell me that here in France, not only will it get warmer (at the moment it’s 6C, so I wouldn’t mind that), But the waters will rise, and I don’t mean your waters! It seems that the whole of the Camargue will be under water (it already is when we have heavy rain) – right up to the outskirts of Nimes and Montpellier! Lunel and all the other smaller villages and hamlets will sink, but I want to see it come up to the level of my 3 rd floor flat! Incidentally, there is some good news hidden in there! It will all hit the “smart” expensive snob’s houses first of all! For a change, they risk to suffer! I wonder...
Mr le Marquis du Galipot , « Google » him! Search theme: “ iwmpop” – search- choose site. Have fun! PUFF-PUFF! Here’s another snippet gleaned (I’ve come to like that word) from the same magazine as always! “ A long battle is finished! The giant “Imperial Tobacco Group” from Britain, 4 th biggest in the world, has finally won its take-over bid for “Altadis” a French/Spanish tobacco group, responsible for such brands as Gauloise, Gitanes and other well known brands. 13 Milliards of Euros was offered and finally accepted, after 3 years of discussions. Wonder how many people died in between time? Interesting only from the point of view that “Altadis” was, in part, owned by the French Government as “Seitas” – The question is whether they could do without it, on the basis that they were taking so much in with Tobacco taxes, or did the Politicians REALLY have a...
Read more articles from iwmpop – Mr le Marquis Look at hundreds of his favourite photos and download them free of charge – for personal use at: (EN/GER/FR – choose the site required) ********* jeudi 1er novembre 2007 - Army style International Cooking. Just the other day somebody asked me if I knew how to make things called “Roestlis”. Stupid question, I know how to make anything in the kitchen, the only problem is having open and easy access to the ingredients necessary! In this case, not too difficult, because a “Roestli” is the Swiss German word given to a simple dish made from potatoes and with or without onions, eggs, salt and pepper, together with any form of spice or herb one wishes. The famous, well known ones, are savoury, with onions, garlic (optional), fried in goose or duck fat preferably, although butter can be used, as a sort of “op...


Just wish I knew what was going on! Getting in touch with Google ain't that easy, so just bear with me!

new trial for google analytics-Admin

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Here is the Analytics code - hope it works!

Les Petits Chanteurs à La Croix De Bois | Noël Avec > AIRPLAYER

Les Petits Chanteurs à La Croix De Bois | Noël Avec > AIRPLAYER It's trial time again, folks! I thought I'd get ready for NEXT christmas! So, if it works, here's a little link to some Christmas carols, sung by the people noted above (Tr.. "The little singers of the Wooden Cross") The only thing I can't figure out is why they never sing the damned things to the end! This was a trial in downloading from the Web Site "AIRTIST" (try it yourself- GOOGLE it!) which is supposed to allow you to download LEGALLY and free of charge all sorts of music! Seems I haven't understood it completely, so - back I'll go and try to figure it all out! mr le Marquis 16 Jan 2008

Quest-ce que ce passe?

Vous savez, c'est bizarre! Depuis quelques temps je me pose la question "qui es qui lis cette Blog!" J'ai remarqué que des opinions que j'ai fait dans mes blogs sont devenus d'actualité dans la vie quotidienne. Je parle de l'énergie Nucléaire, et si on va péter la planète en tout cas, pourquoi pas utiliser la Nucléaire pour nous produire de l'énergie, propre, saine et moins cher - et voila, les Britanniques vont le faire - un changement a 360 grade de l'opinion Gouvernemental! Je parle des problèmes des FAI (Internet Serveurs-en particulier Neuf/Cegetel et F-Telecom) et voila, ils passent a l'une des actualités pour des choses "pas Catholiques"! Il y a quelques années, j'ai présentée aux Français mon idée pour les "repas debout" avec les pains chaude (que des grandes tranches du pain frais avec du jambon, saucisse, ketchup/sauce tomate et fromage, passée au four) et quelques mois plus tard - On peut les acheter surgelée ...
So now you know ! They finally came clean ! “They” being the experts who tell us what we should or shouldn’t eat. Actually, there was no need for an enormously long list of things to avoid, all they had to do was to make a statement along the lines of “If you like it, it’s not good for you”. That’s what they’ve been saying for donkey’s years now, but always one thing after another. Now it’s the lot! I ask myself what on earth people used to eat, and why those of us now living could ever be conceived, our forefather’s should all have been dead before procreation! Now – there is a difference between eating sensibly, and eating muck, but not everything which we like can possibly be bad for us. It’s interesting to see that McDonald’s, for years the target of everyone of the experts, actually have become more popular as the years went by, and if you read the Advertising campaigns done by this supe...
When I was a kid (some would say not so long ago), foodstuffs were a rarity, foodstuffs one liked didn't exist, and a breakfast like the one shown - unknown! Even so, I still hold one or two images in my head of things from the period! As a kid, I was often required to accompany a whole "charabanc" of members of my father's church congregation to various religious meetings outside of our home towns. Being the son of the preacher man, and not having things like nannies, they couldn't leave me at home on my own (although I would often have welcomed that) so they were obliged to club together and pay my fare as well as those of my parents. OK - it was something out of the ordinary, and in the 50's there weren't many of them. Only real problem was that food and drink did not appear in this day's outing, everybody brought something or other to eat in picnic form, and that was that. I recall one occasion in Canterbury, when I had been given the princely sum ...

Logic and the English language - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Now this one is great! Very true, but I've given up trying to understand it, I just write it!  French has the same vagaries! Voyez vous - ceci est tellement vrai, mais je crois il y a des choses similaire en Francais! Logic and the English language Logic and the English language Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language?   Let's face it English is a stupid language. There is no egg in the eggplant No ham in the hamburger And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple. English muffins were not invented in England. French fries were not invented in France. We sometimes take English for granted But if we examine its paradoxes we find that Quicksand takes you down slowly Boxing rings are square And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig If writers write, how come fingers don't fing. If the plural of tooth is teeth Shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth I...

Fwd: [vauvertvillage- Des Photos et articles sur votre village - 30600 Vauvert] lo...

JE SUIS ARRIVEE!!!  I finally made it !!!!! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: mr le marquis < > Date: 12 Jan 2008 00:08 Subject: [vauvertvillage- Des Photos et articles sur votre village - 30600 Vauvert] lo... To: Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at Subscribe to People Magazine at a 37% discount! -- Posted By mr le marquis to vauvertvillage- Des Photos et articles sur votre village - 30600 Vauvert at 1/12/2008 12:08:00 AM -- Links to other iwmpop pages:

NewsBiscuit: Infant school stages atheist nativity play - Sent Using Google Toolbar

So there you are! This is YOUR Britain in 2007/8 Certainly different! Click on the nativity play link (if the article isn't viewable!) NewsBiscuit: Infant school stages atheist nativity play Go to content Go to navigation Go to search The news before it happens 'Free range kitchen' was battery farmed. More soon. Bookmark This Site Home Page Arts/Entertainment Business Celebrity Education Environment Features Health Isle of Wight News Lifestyle Politics Science/Technology Sport UK News World News Get headlines direct to your inbox Chat room Submissions board You write the news Register Login About NewsBiscuit Advertise on the site Donate to the site Infrequently Asked Questions Poll Contact NewsBiscuit NewsBiscuit shop Hello guest , would you like to login or register ? Terry...