
Showing posts from March, 2008

11 "Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Secrets All Men Keep - Sent Using Google Toolbar

We males always knew it, but now so do your females! If you want to know the other 10 "secrets", ladies - read them on "" - You can also find lots of other things about both men AND women there, as well as help with any Health problems! (Doesn't replace the Doctor, or the apple a day, but can be used as supplementary help) 11 "Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Secrets All Men Keep Secret #2: We actually do play golf to get away from you More than 21 million American men play at least one round of golf a year; of those, an astounding 75 percent regularly shoot worse than 90 strokes a round. In other words, they stink. The point is this: "Going golfing" is not really about golf. It's about you, the house, the kids -- and the absence thereof. "I certainly don't play because I find it relaxing and enjoyable," admits Roland Buckingham, 32, of Lewes, Delaware, whose usual golf score of 105 is a far-from-soothing figu...

At last!

Hey ho! Google went and gone and done it! Finally an update/new version to FireFox that may solve a few of the problems that some naughty people have caused over the last few weeks! There aren't any accents in English, but there are in most other languages! Maybe now I'll find out that I've been misspelling everything in English as well! Even without the accents, it's still the best browser going! That's why you're seeing this little post - everything has to be tried out!

Check out this photo!

Just to remind me what Horoscope I should be reading! Thousands of Free Photos & Exclusive 3-D Animations!

The English invasion of France divides into three groups - Telegraph - Sent Using Google Toolbar

Here is an article which (when I think of the subject-which is rare) speaks for me! Having left UK more than 40 years ago, with pleasure, and having spent a maximum total of 3 months in UK since 1969 (whilst awaiting my German pension arrangements!) I suppose one could say that I'm nothing but a "European", and I am pleased to be just that! I can't wait for the day that an "International European Passport" becomes available, but I doubt that it will be in my life time! The attitude of many, many British in France is perfectly described in this article, all I read or hear or see on "ex-pat" sites are complaints, and requests for information about the cheapest and easiest way to get BACK to UK! Obviously there ARE many others who have, like myself, adopted their new country, it's practices, its heritage, its customs and its language! They tend, however to be people that are either "married" into French families, or people who you don...

Britons Say Victoria & David Beckham Better Than Brown |Sky News|Politics

David & Victoria to take over Nr 10! (That's what you Brits want!) - Click and find out MORE.......... Maybe Sir Paul to become Chancellor? Britons Say Victoria & David Beckham Better Than Brown |Sky News|Politics

Photos on "Flickr" - invitation.

Hi, This is an invitation to look at "" - a photo system to share photos (free of course)- and look at some of my photos. You can download free of charge for your own use. Voici une invitation de regarder la système "" -une système de stockage et partage des photos, gratuit bien sur - et regarder quelques unes de mes photos. Vous pouvez télécharger les images gratuitement, comme d'habitude pour votre propre usage. Just follow this link to my photos: If the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it from this email into your browser's address bar. See you on Flickr! (iwmpop) mr le Marquis -------------------------------------- You are receiving this email because someone you know wants to share photos in their Flickr photostream with you. If you are not interested, just ignore this email. Flickr won't bug you again and there's nothing special you have to do. To ...

Blogger Play

For all you photo lovers, or just for a change. This link opens the page "Blogger Play", which is a sort of enormous slideshow, pictures are shown from random Blogs (and there are MILLIONS of them!) You can adapt the speed of the changing photos, go back or forwards, or pause on one picture. For those who are fed up watching their own pictures on the normal slideshow, or for those who just want a simpler life, with a decorative PC screen in the corner, showing lots of changing pictures, whilst your music player is playing some nice music in Stereo, and you and your guests are tucking into some spaghetti bolognese, and getting tomato stains all over your new white shirt! Watch the sauce - not the pictures! Blogger Play
Mr le Marquis du Galipot , « Google » him! Search theme: “iwmpop” – search and choose site. Have fun!

The war of Browsers!

Or Microsoft and Google - or not! Or have a look in the larder! I've just had a quick look into all of the sites of "Mr le Marquis Enterprises" - both on Mozilla Firefox, and on Internet Explorer browsers, and (thanks to the template changes made) it seems that the problem has been "arranged"! So...........Welcome back to all those old-fashioned boys and girls who prefer to stay with the outmoded Explorer! The only difference seems to be (at least on my PC's) the basic script type, which I have set for the typeface "Comic sans etc" on the original site, since that particular type face seems to be more "sympathetic" to the eyes, but you will receive the page(s) in that type face you have chosen, or if you haven't selected one at all, then in the "default" version. Not as pleasant, but you will still be able to read the words of wisdom of "mr le marquis"! To repay you for that little fault, I've posted a couple ...
Publicity! Watching the TV this morning around breakfast time (got to keep up with what isn't happening in the world, like Pension increases etc...) a publicity spot for a well known Energy company struck my eyes and ears. It was more the manner in which the text was read out that immediately brought te following idea to my mind! ***************** NATURE HAS GIVEN US THE WIND! ( no - it wasn't the baked beans!) LET'S USE IT! (NB- No similarity or resemblance with people I know is intended!) Vauvert, France.

My Legionnaire (music Edith Piaf)

Here's a little diapo with music commemorating recent events here in France. Turn your speakers on. The music is longer than the slideshow, but it's nice to listen to!

Check out this site I found on StumbleUpon!

Stumble Upon Discover new web sites Intelligence Test 31 reviews quizzes , intelligence-test , intelligence Ian has sent you a site he found with StumbleUpon Think you're smart? Try the test! Ian iwmpop @ gmail . com Connect with me > About StumbleUpon Channel surf the internet with StumbleUpon! Discover great web content recommended by your friends and like-minded stumblers by just clicking the Stumble! button - Learn More > If you do not wish to receive e-mails sent by your friends v...

A translator and a few amusing news a...

If you see "^^^^" attached to an article or a link, this means there is a little "tool" for your use within the article. This time it's a small "translator" service - free of charge, of course! It's on this page I published using Google Page Creator. "A translator and a few amusing news articles (ENGLISH)."^^^^ -- Links to other iwmpop pages:


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Enough said?

For You Monday March 10, 2008

Speaking languages-easily (contains programme link)

Boys and girls come out to play - the others will understand you - right away! (Copy + drag to your address bar or try clicking on the link above) Here is one for you ignorants! All you have to do is type in the text, and the language, and the guy will say it for you! Foolproof, all you've got to do now is carry your PC around with you in your pocket! Would it work with an i-phone? Will it even work here? Will people learn anything? In any case, it can only be better than the PC computer programmes translations! My French ex-girlfriend showed me a card she had received from some English "friends" where the message had been copied from a PC Robot translation programme, and I had great amusement reading it! I asked her what she wanted me to do with it (the words WERE in French, and she IS French) and she said "Translate it,please!" I accordingly did so, replacing the Robot's work - Free of ...

Sunday 9th March 2008

This Blog ( and all the other Sites/Blogs from "mr le marquis enterprises") are non-political, but do have articles about the actuality of things! All over France tomorrow, I and millions of others will be passing half an hour or so to put our "X" on bits of paper. It's called voting, and tomorrow it's "local/Departmental/a few others, all mixed up" time! All over France there will also be the same deliberation and problematic decision to take! The vast majority of "non-party" voters, would like to take this opportunity of telling MR. Sarkozy what they think of him, his morals, way of life, fashion of speech, but particularly his non-politics (as against what was promised some 9 months ago). Now this lady may have something to do with it all, but it most certainly is not her fault. Mr Sarkozy has done it all by himself, like a grown up schoolboy - has insulted the voters both verbally and in their intelligence, insulted the position of Pr...