(to enlarge any image, simply click on it). Do you really look down deep into your PC system to find out whether somebody else can get hold of your details....? Or do you, like most of us, simply rely on your AV System - it will figure out id something "fishy" is going on....? Well - I've got news for you! There are many ways that a "malware" or "malperson" can get onto your wavelengths, sometimes completely by accident, sometimes on purpose, sometimes by mistake, sometimes not. Sometimes the details are usable, often not - due to other factors required. Your CB (Visa etc) can be dechiffered, and used, but not mine - because I've only got overdrawals on my Bank Account! It's just one of thos "uneasy" feelings. Somebody else, even family members, have no business looking at what I'm doing, have done, or maybe will do! Not even "by mistake" and not unless they've been invited to do so, or have told me that they COULD....